

Any amount of donation counts.
From just $15, your one-time donation can sponsor an equipment to protect our vulnerable wildlife.
Take action now to save these species from the brink of extinction.

Select an equipment to sponsor and help our field teams protect wildlife.


There are less than 150 Malayan tigers left due to rampant poaching and habitat loss. At current rates, we could lose them in this lifetime. Make a one-time donation for the field teams to protect these tigers from the brink of extinction.


Up to 100 MILLION sharks are killed annually. Nearly 1 out of 3 species of sharks are threatened with extinction. Make a one-time donation to help us stop unsustainable fishing practices and allow our divers to better monitor our marine life.


Every three minutes, a pangolin is poached to feed illegal wildlife trade. In 2019 alone, scales from about 40,000 pangolins were seized in Singapore during their transit. Make a one-time donation to help improve our legislations and online marketplaces, to protect pangolins in Singapore.


Only 1 in 1,000 sea turtle hatchlings survive to adulthood. Today, six out of seven sea turtle species are facing existential threats, ranging from marine pollution to illegal trade. Make a one-time donation to increase research and traceability of sea turtles in Singapore and protect the future of the local populations.

You have selected:

Satellite Phone ($40)

Satellite phones are essential for forest guards, field biologists and patrol teams on the ground to communicate in deep forests where conventional phone signals are not available.

Camera Trap ($40)

Camera traps are set up to monitor tigers and other wildlife movement. Based on the photos and videos taken, WWF has been able to capture valuable information about Malayan tigers to ensure that they are effectively protected.

Health Kit ($15)

Patrol teams on the ground require medical equipment and insurance for their own protection and safety.

Essentials Pack ($15)

Essentials pack contains trackers and boating tools that are used by field teams to track wild tiger movements and safeguard the area from encroachers.

Essentials Pack ($15)

Essentials pack contains a range of necessities, from diving equipment to boating tools that are used by field teams to conduct their work.

Training Kit ($15)

Training Kits are a part of our work with local communities, by providing training, engaging them into the fieldwork, and creating sustainable livelihoods.

Research Tools ($40)

We employ various research tools that help us gather data on sharks, and other important marine species and habitats, which may include but are not limited underwater cameras, GPS, or tagging devices.

Field Mobility ($40)

This allows us to mobilise conservationists, communities, and experts into the field to do the on-ground work.

Volunteer Pack ($25)

Essential for equipping our volunteers with tools and skills to identify prohibited wildlife products and report any suspicious listings under the Cyber Spotter Program.

Industry Training ($35)

To deliver consultations, workshops, and training activities for the shipping and Ecommerce sectors, lawmakers, customs officials, and other important actors along the illegal wildlife trade supply chain.

R&D Tools ($45)

Development of resources—such as Artificial Intelligence programs and toolkits—for more efficient detection of illegal products.

Public Education Materials ($15)

Essential for engaging the local community and driving collective action. Materials will be used for, but not limited to, awareness workshops, public events, exhibitions, and volunteer recruitment initiatives.

Training Kit ($15)

Recruitment and development of training materials for volunteers to detect illegal wildlife trade products online.

Research Equipment ($25)

Equipment to conduct sea turtle research and monitoring activities.

Educational Exhibition ($35)

Co-funding a roving exhibition in Singapore schools to educate students about sea turtle conservation.

A.I Tools ($45)

Development of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning systems for more efficient detection of illegal sea turtle products online.

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Your donation is tax deductible in Singapore. To qualify, kindly provide your NRIC/FIN number and ensure your full name above matches your NRIC/legal name.
Your donation is tax deductible in Singapore. To qualify, kindly provide your NRIC/FIN number and ensure your full name above matches your NRIC/legal name.
Input your payment card details here

©️ 2021 WWF – World Wide Fund for Nature (Singapore) Limited (UEN 200602275E) |
©️ 1986 Panda Symbol WWF – World Wide Fund For Nature (formerly World Wildlife Fund) | ®️ “WWF” is a WWF Registered Trademark


Plastics pose a serious threat to animals — they may inadvertently ingest or become entangled in plastic litter.


In fact, abandoned or discarded fishing gear (commonly referred to as ghost gear) is among the deadliest forms of marine plastic debris. It can continue to catch target and non-target species indiscriminately for many years, and many animals that get caught or entangled in ghost gear can die a slow and painful death through suffocation or exhaustion.


Donate here to combat plastic pollution, remove ghost gear, and create a safer habitat for our wildlife.